You see the past few weeks have been crazy for me. Its been filled with praise to GOD, me moving churches, ministry, finding real brothers being prompted to go to bible college, getting my bike fixed, and on top of it all, trying to figure out how I am Going to continue to actually keep in contact with those who mean most to me!
Wow so where to start. Okay so this is going to be a blog that may encourage or discourage you. Let it encourage and if it is discouraging let it do so to a point where you must be encouraged to change.
So during this awesome time with GOD I have been discovering what it truly means to be his and to be set apart for his divine will. In doing so we must also be obedient and we must be putting our flesh to death daily. This season has also shown me that I am very bad at doing that. Man as I sit here I want to call out to GOD and to sit next to him and speak with him and be with him. At the same time I realize that he is forever loving, but I am forever unrighteous. Right now I have been going through three scriptures in the spiritual/physical realms.
First I've been in ROMANS a lot. Particularly passages 3:9-31, 7:7-8 :29, and 12 in its entirety. I have also been studying in HAGGAI 1 and finally, HOSEA 2. Each of these passages will be explained in later blogs along with my testimony its going to be a mini series over the next 15 days. Last but certainly not least I have begun to read A wonderful book by Pastor Francis Chan Crazy Love. I will also be blogging about the book and the many revelations GOD is bringing to me through it.
But For Now I leave you with this!
What Significance Do These Numbers Have?
Leave a cOmment poST below if you know and SEe you All SOoN just sO you kNow i havE made thIS last mEssage a code PoInt is to disCover it
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