Friday, November 26, 2010

The Birth Of A New BLOG

So I realized that my blog is now two days old. LOL

I have been reading blogs all morning (1.5hrs) and I noticed the strangest thing.

  1. If you use your blog as a place to vent your feelings and opinions on any issue whether personal, private, or socially controversial, usually you end up working through your issues and ending your blog or realizing you should be doing more and by that time your creating a new blog!
  2. If you use your blog as a place to inform your distant family and friends about goings on in your life (families, Children, Spouses, Faith[however that may look]) or even about what you spend your spare time divulging in, your passions or anything that you have a truly deep heartstring (beyond infatuated, but not clinically posessed) invested in, You usually end up keeping the blog and posting on average two to five times a week!
My point to this is that my blog and I am in it for the long haul! This is my child and if I don't care for it who will?! (maybe a little bit over board)

Anyways, this is my blog and I want to get to know you guys who are reading this! (whoever you are out ther in cyberland!) I want you to ASK QUESTIONS get ANSWERS (see not as effective) vote on my polls, comment, and literally become part of my world you guys are my passion right now!

I love you guys and I can't wait to see my blog mature. BUT it can't happen without you! So comment ask questions (I'm repeating myself aren't I?) ... T_T Seriously this is a place for me to answer you! (and give my opinion to life) ...

So I Guess This Is When I Say Bye

But Saying Bye Is ImplyingThat I Might Not Ever See You Again

Which Isn't At All Possible Cause I've Never Actually Seen You Here Before

So Instead Of Saying Bye
(which I never say BTW's)

I'll End My Blogs With Awkward Pictures Relevant To The Day Or Theme Of The Blog


Thats The Goal This Season

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving Remeber?

Well Its finally Thanksgiving morning and as usual I'm up right after the cook.

When I was younger I remember sleeping at my Great-Grandmothers house, waking up to the smells of the Turkey in the oven. My Gram always slow-roasted our traditional bird.

Whenever I woke up it was Time to start waking up the kids and prepping for church. I never understood why we had a thanksgiving service in the baptist denomination, but hey it was awesome.

I remember one year me and my brothers decided to sing for the family! It was epic. I remember the board games, watching football, Playing in the snow, running to the store last minute, tables, distant cousins, Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, The Sound Of Music, Cirque Du Solei, more tables, chairs, the fine china, 1 two-story home with 40 people, and The FOOD!

We had just about everything you could imagine a black soul food thanksgiving having!
The lineup

 Home made Mac&Cheese, Stuffing, Cranberry Sauce, Sweet Corn, Sweet Peas, Some form of Potatoes, Candied Yams, Green Beans, Baked Beans, Black eyed Peas, Red Beans and Rice, Collard Greens, Mustard Greens, Spicy Greens, Salad

Rolls, Wheat Rolls, White Rolls, Rye Rolls, Rolls For Days, Corn Bread, Corn Muffins

Turkey, Chitterlings, (1year we had Ham)

Pecan Pie, Pumpkin Pie, Cherry Pie, Pecan Pie, Apple Pie, Sweet Potato Pie Lemon Meringue, Banana Pudding, Ice Cream, Cake, Sherbet, Cheesecake, and anything you could make!!!

 It was always such a blessing to have mi familial and mes amis over for fun, games, food, and fellowship!

The Perfect Way To End This BLOG!

SNOW!!! XP Xb *=* YAY!