Saturday, December 18, 2010

What Day Is It??

Clearly Friday's Post is now early Saturday mornings post! This Post is short and sweet and actually requires you to add your input on various activity and content selections!

I have decided that in order to post at least once a day I will begin a short Days of the week seiries as follows...

Mondays- Missionary Mondays; I am honored to have known quite a few missionaries so i will be taking the time each week to reflect on current and past missionaries who are changing the world

Tuesdays- Testimony Tuesdays; Ha you guessed it! But I am giving you a loop hole... This day is not just for me to share what God has done in my life but what he is doing in the lives of those around me. Each week will be devoted to Someone's Testimony (if not mine) Comment below to find out how to share your story

Wednesdays- Wild n Out Wednesdays; Its crazy its random heck it even makes sense!

Thursdays- Theological Thursdays; (DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT A THEOLOGIAN) This is the day when i share a devotional or a passage of scripture and what God is teaching me through it all!

Fridays- Feature Fridays; We will be tackling issues in the American Church and breaking down the walls of  Denomination.

Saturdays- Sabbath Saturdays; Look up the word Sabbath (if i do post it won't be a long one)

Sundays- Spiritual Sundays; I will be posting links and notes to sermons I listened to that week!

So in a nut shell I will be sharing thoughts comments questions concerns etc etc etc. I hope you enjoy the ever changing content and i hope to hear you comment soon!


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