Is It 2013 already??!?!?? Wow Has it been a long time since I posted!
New Friends, family, Church, School, Life. Wow I have missed all of you. My life Has gotten really interesting since I last said anything. I began to follow God with Blind faith.
Blind Faith.
Wow some people think I am crazy for doing things like that but I feel that we as Christians should totally live life on the edge and surrender all of our self to the will of God!
For my non-christian followers I have, blind faith means submitting yourself to the greater good of life and doing what is right just and pure! I know we all desire to fulfill what we feel our needs are, but we cannot expect to be accepted in the world if we are fully corrupt and vice versa! We cannot expect to be accepted in the world if we are living purely. Now I am not saying this as a position to stop you from living whatever path your on! But realize this, We can never satisfy everyone desires for our life. Either we are rejected by many and accepted by few or we are rejected by few and accepted by many!
I have chosen to be accepted by one and only one! His name is YHWH the name above all names!
He reassures me that I am Called And Rejected!
Down To business... I like to rant and if you want me to rant send me a comment or question! Then you get to see me rant! Really what's the opinion of a 23 year old who has seen allot in this world we know as America?? Do it! Comment now! Please! See I am begging you! Plz! Pretty Please! Oh and share! It's not like I have anything to hide...